Power BI Weekly
Issue #97 - 16th February 2021
No official announcements this week, although we have been told about some interesting free training events taking place next week: Power BI Dev Camp β Thursday 25 February 2021, Developing with .NET 5 and App-Owns-Data Embedding, and Instructor Led Training - 24th & 25th of February, 2021 from 5:00 AM β 9:00 AM PST. Do take advantage of those if you can spare the time. Elsewhere this week, Phil Seamark has described a helpful way to Visualise your Power BI Refresh on your Premium workspace, Eason Fang has written about Conditional formatting based on custom fields: change the default background style, Stephen Tao has described The workaround of using the measure as axis in the visual, and Reid Havens has shared a short video describing Why You Should Hide Visual Level Filters.
π οΈ Data Prep
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) explains how to Optimise The Performance Of Reading Data From ADLSgen2 In Power BI With The HierarchicalNavigation Option
- Paul Turley (@paul_turley) describes Doing Power BI the Right Way: 4. Power Query design best practices
- Pat Mahoney (@HoosierBi) writes a Guest Post: Using List.Accumulate for Input/Output Genealogy and talks about Faster Data Transformations with List/Record M Functions
- The Power BI team (@MSPowerBI) describes How to update M query parameters based on filters and slicers
- On the Tessellation Tech blog, Spencer Baucke (@JSBaucke) blogs about Import v Direct Query: Heres What You Need to Know
- On the Towards Data Science blog, Nikola Ilic (@DataMozart) describes Handling locale letters in Power BI using Synapse SQL
𧩠Data Modeling
- Marc Lelijveld (@MarcLelijveld) tells us to Add descriptions for everything you create in Power BI
- On the Business Intelligist blog, Business Intelligist (@bizintelligist) covers Power BI Best Practices Analyzer in Tabular Editor
- On the Power BI community blog, Amit Chandak (@amitchandak78) discusses Power BI Distributing/Allocating the Monthly TargetConvert to Daily Target: Measure Daily/MTD
- Also on the Power BI community blog, Stephen Tao describes The workaround of using the measure as axis in the visual
- Arnaud Gastelblum (@LazySna1l) shares LazyDAX v3
- Also on the Power BI community blog, Varun Jain explains How to get all the DAX expression Measures from power bi file with DAX Studio
- Vivek Ranjan (@imvivran) discusses Understanding Ambiguity in Power BI Data Model
- Martin Schoombee (@MartinSchoombee) blogs about Using calculation groups with role-playing dimensions
- Bas Dohmen (@HowToPowerBI) blogs about the DATE TABLE in Power BI DAX Shorts
- Ruth Pozuelo Martinez (@CurbalEN) covers DAX Fridays #196: Dynamic pricing with DAX
- Hima Bindu Marri (@sivahimabindu) discusses Building Relationships with Duplicate Values
- On the RADACAD YouTube channel, Reza Rad (@Rad_Reza) talks about DAX Studio with Darren Gosbell
- Sam McKay (@_EnterpriseDNA) describes Using The DATEADD Function For Effective Time Related Insights - Power BI and writes about Financial Year To Date Calculations In Power BI - Time Comparison Calculations
- Adam Saxton (@GuyInACube) discusses Handling MULTIPLE fact tables in Power BI
- On the Power BI Community blog, Robert Qin writes about Dynamic calculation of contract status based on the updated dataset
π Report Authoring and Interactivity
- On the Power BI community blog, Eason Fang writes about Conditional formatting based on custom fields: change the default background style
- Meagan Longoria (@mmarie) writes about Zooming In on a Power BI Report
- On the MSSQLTips site, Scott Murray provides a Power BI Small Multiples Visual Example
- Adam Saxton (@GuyInACube) talks about Power BI for report consumers and end users (2021)
- Reid Havens (@HavensBI) talks about Why You Should Hide Visual Level Filters and talks about the Harry Potter Escape Room with Gomathy Viswanathan
- Ted Pattison (@TedPattison) presents Power BI Dev Camp: Developing Custom Visuals for Power BI
- Ruth Pozuelo Martinez (@CurbalEN) describes How to translate Power BI reports (or any text) Live
- On the Data Bear blog, Annamarie Van Wyk (@annamarie_wyk) discusses Custom Colours in Power BI
π Deployment, Security and Operations
- Phil Seamark (@PhilSeamark) describes how to Visualise your Power BI Refresh
- On the Microsoft BI Tools blog, Joost van Rossum (@ssisjoost) describes Scaling Azure Analysis Services with ADF only
- Philipp Lenz (@lenz_philipp) explains how to Organize and monitor the Power BI scheduled refreshes. and explains how to Analyze the Power BI Activity Logs
- On the Enhansoft blog, Garth Jones (@GarthMJ) describes How to Enable Remote Errors in Report Server
- Gilbert Quevauvilliers (@GilbertQue) blogs about Changing the User Account in Excel when connecting to Power BI Premium/Per User or Azure Analysis Services
- Mara Pereira (@maraft_per) discusses Data driven subscriptions in Power BI
π General
- On the Power BI blog, Kelly Kaye (@MS_KellyKaye) writes: Join us! Power BI Dev Camp β Thursday 25 February 2021, Developing with .NET 5 and App-Owns-Data Embedding and Join us! Power BI Instructor Led Training! 24th & 25th of February, 2021 from 5:00 AM β 9:00 AM PST
- On the BIFocal podcast, John White and Jason Himmelstein (@bifocalshow) present Episode 179 - Best Practices Analyzer in Tabular Editor
- Kasper de Jonge (@kjonge) blogs about Kasper On BI on the journey from Excel to Power BI with Shannon Lindsey
- The Knee-Deep in Tech team (@KneeDeepinTech) share Podcast episode 142
- Mark Walter (@markwaltercpa) provides 5 Tips that turn data into direction in Power BI
- On the Power BI Tips and Tricks blog, Seth Bauer (@Seth_C_Bauer) explains how to Assess Knowledge using the Power BI Skills Matrix