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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 70: 4th August 2020

Absolutely no official updates to share with you this week, other than the fact that DAX Studio 2.12.1 has been released (which many of you now using the External Tools feature in Desktop might be interested in). Despite the lack of announcements, this week's newsletter is jam-packed full of content. Here's a few highlighted articles: Mark Walter has described how to Replace full records based on partial strings in Power Query, Gil Raviv has written about Weekly-Based Time Intelligence, Aveek Das has described Working with Power BI Data Models in Visual Studio Code and Amit Chandak has explained how to Display a Label Only on the Last Data Point of the Line Visual for a Trend.

Data Prep

Covering: Power Query (M), Dataflows, Data connectors, AI Insights

Data Modeling

Covering: DAX (Measures & Calculated Tables/Columns), Relationships, Analysis Services, Composite models

Report Authoring and Interactivity

Covering: Layout and formatting, Visualizations, Interactivity, Themes, Mobile reports, Dashboards

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Workspaces and Apps, Template Apps, Deployment Pipelines, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, Admin operations, Developer Tooling


Covering: Cross-topic announcements & feature summaries, Whitepapers, Community events, Learning Resources & Certifications, Podcasts, Sample reports, End-to-end walkthroughs


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