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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 66: 7th July 2020

Only one announcement this week, although it's nothing technical - is adding the support to use your organisational credentials (same credentials you use for Power BI in general) to log-in to the site. In fact, it's removing support for other identity providers (Google, Facebook etc), so you should ensure that you read that blog and perform the necessary steps to make sure you don't lose your historical activities. Otherwise, here's a few blogs to highlight this week: Carmel Eve has provided a quick tip around Updating the sort order of a column in Power BI avoiding circular references, Chandeep Chhabra has described how to Change Measures Using a Slicer in Power BI, and Annamarie Van Wyk has written about Changing colours using DAX and conditional formatting in Power BI.

Data Prep

Covering: Power Query (M), Dataflows, Data connectors, AI Insights

Data Modeling

Covering: DAX (Measures & Calculated Tables/Columns), Relationships, Analysis Services, Composite models

Report Authoring and Interactivity

Covering: Layout and formatting, Visualizations, Interactivity, Themes, Mobile reports, Dashboards

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Workspaces and Apps, Template Apps, Deployment Pipelines, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, Admin operations, Developer Tooling


Covering: Cross-topic announcements & feature summaries, Whitepapers, Community events, Learning Resources & Certifications, Podcasts, Sample reports, End-to-end walkthroughs


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