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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 6: 7th May 2019

Only one announcement in this week's newsletter: Oracle and Teradata data source support and hourly e-mail subscriptions for Paginated Reports now available. Elsewhere, Kasper de Jonge has described How Power BI enables remote communities in Africa to track AIDS, Koen Verbeeck has explained how to Refresh Power BI Dataset using Azure Logic Apps - Part 2, and Chris Webb digs into the DAX Machine Learning Functionality Used By The Key Influencers Visual In Power BI.

Some of you may be at Build at the moment - if you are, we hope you're having a fantastic time. We'll have all the Power BI updates highlighted in next week's newslettter, so don't worry too much about keeping track of them.

Also, let me know if you're heading to the London Power BI user group meet-up tomorrow - I'll be attending and it'd be great to meet some of you. Chris Webb is providing an introduction to Dataflows in Power BI, which I'm sure will prove to be very useful.

Data Modeling

Covering: Relationships, Calculated Columns, Calculated Measures, Calculated Tables, DAX

Report Design and Visualizations

Covering: Report layout and formatting, Mobile reports, Native & Custom visuals, R & Python integration, Visual interactions, Report Themes

Data Exploration

Covering: Dashboards, Quick Insights, Q&A, Filters, Bookmarks, Drill-through

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Apps and App Workspaces, Template Apps, Datasets, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, REST APIs, PowerShell cmdlets, .NET SDK


Covering: Public service announcements, Cross-topic feature summaries, Power BI Overviews, Upcoming webinars/events, Power BI Certifications


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