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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 41: 14th January 2020

Radio-silence from the Power BI team this week, so let's dive straight into the highlighted blogs. Miguel Escobar has compared DAX and Power Query solutions in their blog Static Segmentation in Power BI / DAX / Power Query, Ben Gribaudo has written about Control Structure in their Power Query M Primer series, and Teo Lachev has shared some interesting findings about the Power BI Pro Storage Quota.

This week I also want to mention a new community site created by Ignacio Barrau, which is intended to be a place where anyone can share their Power Platform / Azure Data Platform content (for free). The site's content is currently in Spanish, but with the power of auto-translation within browsers nowadays, this shouldn't stop you from consuming the content! This site is called LaDataWeb, and you'll find a blog from this site further down the newsletter. You'll see blogs written in a non-English language tagged with [<language>].

Report Design and Visualizations

Covering: Report layout and formatting, Mobile reports, Native & Custom visuals, R & Python integration, Visual interactions, Report Themes

Data Exploration

Covering: Dashboards, Quick Insights, Q&A, Filters, Bookmarks, Drill-through

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Apps and App Workspaces, Template Apps, Datasets, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, REST APIs, PowerShell cmdlets, .NET SDK


Covering: Public service announcements, Cross-topic feature summaries, Power BI Overviews, Upcoming webinars/events, Power BI Certifications


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