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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 31: 29th October 2019

The now GA Automated Machine learning in Power BI looks awesome - not had a chance to play with it myself. But the way Power BI/Microsoft seems to be democratizing AI at the moment is pretty incredible. There have been a few other numerous updates and announcements in the last week:

This week Matthew Roche has written a thought-provoking article about the successful implementation of BI within a business, writing that It all comes down to culture. Have a read! Elsewhere, Prathy Kamasani describes how to get a Power BI Card visual to show flags/warnings , and Marc Lelijveld has described how to Move dataflows across workspaces with the Power BI REST API.

Data Prep

Covering: Power Query (M), Dataflows, Data connectors, Analysis Services

Report Design and Visualizations

Covering: Report layout and formatting, Mobile reports, Native & Custom visuals, R & Python integration, Visual interactions, Report Themes

Data Exploration

Covering: Dashboards, Quick Insights, Q&A, Filters, Bookmarks, Drill-through

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Apps and App Workspaces, Template Apps, Datasets, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, REST APIs, PowerShell cmdlets, .NET SDK


Covering: Public service announcements, Cross-topic feature summaries, Power BI Overviews, Upcoming webinars/events, Power BI Certifications


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