Power BI Weekly
Issue #229 - 17th October 2023
A couple of announcements came in yesterday. One of which I re-highlighted last week regarding authoring calc groups - we have now been given a Deep dive into the new "Model Explorer" with calculation group authoring and creating relationships in the properties pane. This also gives visibility into other model object types such as Cultures and Perspectives, though these can't be modified. Still - this is a giant leap in the direction of full model transparency, which is great news. Though I think there'll always be a need of tools like Tabular Editor for advanced operations, scripting etc, so don't go uninstalling that! We've also been told about the new settings Enabling granular access control for all data connection types, which will automatically disconnect items from data sources should they be modified by someone who doesn't have the permission to use the corresponding data source. Finally, and also a feature mentioned last week, Jeroen (Jay) ter Heerdt has presented at the Persian Power BI User Group walking through the upcoming feature around Visual Calculations - Improvements to doing calculations in Power BI. This functionality isn't available yet, but it's exciting to see what will be possible very soon!
๐ ๏ธ Data Prep
- Ben Gribaudo (@bgribaudo) explains how to Render Tables, Lists, Records -> Text
- Lars Schreiber (@SchreiberLars) covers Textbestandteile von Spaltennamen mittels Power Query umbenennen [German]
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) explains how to Analyse Power BI Data In Excel With Python
- Chandeep Chhabra (@chandeep2786) talks about Power Query Trick: Remove Promote Headers
- On the MSSQLTips site, Harris Amjad (@mssqltips) writes about Power Query Editor in Power BI for Formatting Text Columns
- Purna (Chandoo) Duggirala (@r1c1) discusses SQL vs. Power Query โ The Ultimate Comparison
- On the phData blog, Francisco Astarloa (@phdatainc) walks through Leveraging KNIME and Power BI: Integrating Power BI in KNIME
๐งฉ Data Modeling
- On the Power BI blog, Zoe Douglas (@MSPowerBI) shares a Deep dive into the Model Explorer with calculation group authoring and creating relationships in the properties pane
- On the Power BI community blog, Dan O'Leary blogs about Currency Conversion in Power BI: Enabling Seamless Multicurrency Switching
- Vahid Doustimajd (@VahidDoustiM) talks about Visual Calculations - Improvements to doing calculations in Power BI
- On the SQLBI blog, Alberto Ferrari (@FerrariAlberto) covers Using field parameters and calculation groups for conditional formatting
- Also on the phData blog, Gavin Pedersen (@gavin_PD) writes about What are Field Parameters in Power BI?
๐ Report Authoring and Interactivity
- On the Select Distinct blog, Simon Harrison (@SelectDistLtd) covers Direction of travel on a map in Power BI
๐ Deployment, Security and Operations
- On the Power BI blog, Kay Unkroth (@MSPowerBI) describes Enabling granular access control for all data connection types
- Gilbert Quevauvilliers (@GilbertQue) blogs about Power BI Dataset refresh failed with Personal Cloud Connections
๐ General
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) presents Power BI, Fabric, and your data lakehouse | Delhi Power BI UG - October 2023