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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 184: 29th November 2022

Absolutely no word from the Power BI team this week, so we'll jump straight into the community content. Last week Paul Turley began a series of articles regarding Developing Large Power BI Datasets, and has now followed up the first article with two more great articles related to Partitioning and Detail Tables. Bas Dohmen has shown how we can use the dynamic Y axis functionality to achieve 100% Axis Control in Power BI, and Greg Deckler has taken a step back discussing the topic of Planning Power BI Projects.

Finally, we've published our Accessible Data Storytelling: World Bank Heath and Wealth Report to the Power BI Data Stories Gallery, which has been an internal project to highlight how to create compelling data stories with an accessible colour palette to assist users with Colour Vision Deficiency. If you're creating a Power BI report that has an audience larger than 12 people, statistically you need to take into account Colour Vision Deficiency. We've also produced two videos which provide A walkthrough of the World Health and Wealth Data Story and Custom Report Design: An Array of Design Concepts and Accessible Colours for Power BI.

Report Authoring and Interactivity

Covering: Layout and formatting, Visualizations, Interactivity, Themes, Mobile reports, Dashboards

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Workspaces and Apps, Template Apps, Deployment Pipelines, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, Admin operations, Developer Tooling


Covering: Cross-topic announcements & feature summaries, Whitepapers, Community events, Learning Resources & Certifications, Podcasts, Sample reports, End-to-end walkthroughs


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