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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 131: 26th October 2021

Welcome to the 131st edition of Power BI Weekly! Again, a pretty quiet week from Microsoft's side, with the main highlight being the GA of Azure Purview and its integration with Power BI, helping your organisation's data governance needs. Otherwise the only announcement to come from Power BI is that the On-premises data gateway October 2021 update is now available, which must be the brieffest update summary there's ever been!

A few articles to highlight this week - Bernat Agulló has described Building arbitrary tables with 2-level column headers with yet another clever use of calc groups, Mara Pereira has spoken about Power BI query reduction - Add an Apply all filters button to your report, building on top of the default "Apply all" behaviour to save on real-estate on the report canvas, and Marco Russo has spoken about the potential benefits of a lesser-used feature of Power BI in the blog: Implementing real-time updates in Power BI using push datasets instead of DirectQuery.

Data Modeling

Covering: DAX (Measures & Calculated Tables/Columns), Relationships, Analysis Services, Composite models

Report Authoring and Interactivity

Covering: Layout and formatting, Visualizations, Interactivity, Themes, Mobile reports, Dashboards

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Workspaces and Apps, Template Apps, Deployment Pipelines, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, Admin operations, Developer Tooling


Covering: Cross-topic announcements & feature summaries, Whitepapers, Community events, Learning Resources & Certifications, Podcasts, Sample reports, End-to-end walkthroughs


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