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Power BI Weekly

Power BI Weekly Issue 129: 12th October 2021

The wait is over... Premium Gen2 is now GA! Take another flick through the docs before pressing that button (if you haven't already), and note that the Autoscale feature (free during Preview) is going to start being charged on the 4th November. In other exciting news, Service Principal authentication for PPU workspaces is now possible, with the blog focusing on how this can further help you migrate your Analysis Services models to Power BI and the PPU model. Finally, there's yet another great API helping you govern your tenant: Power BI Unused Artifacts API (preview). You can currently use it to find datasets that haven't been used for the last 30 days within a specific workspace. In the future, additional artifacts like reports and dashboards will be supported.

Elsewhere this week, Alberto Ferrari has written another comprehensive article comparing Header/Detail vs Star Schema models in Tabular and Power BI, and you can probably guess the conclusion: "star schema all the way". Phil Seamark has written a guide around the Power BI Storage Modes for Aggregations, and Sam McKay has shared a video explaining why The Key Influencers Visual In Power BI Is Incredible & We Should Use It More.

Data Prep

Covering: Power Query (M), Dataflows, Data connectors, AI Insights

Data Modeling

Covering: DAX (Measures & Calculated Tables/Columns), Relationships, Analysis Services, Composite models

Report Authoring and Interactivity

Covering: Layout and formatting, Visualizations, Interactivity, Themes, Mobile reports, Dashboards

Deployment, Security and Operations

Covering: Workspaces and Apps, Template Apps, Deployment Pipelines, Gateways, Security, Sharing, Licences, Admin operations, Developer Tooling


Covering: Cross-topic announcements & feature summaries, Whitepapers, Community events, Learning Resources & Certifications, Podcasts, Sample reports, End-to-end walkthroughs


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