Power BI Weekly
Issue #109 - 11th May 2021
Wow - what an exciting set of updates from the Business Applications Summit. If you've somehow missed these updates, take a look at the MBAS Recap shared by the Power BI team. You'll also find a bunch of authors in this edition providing their opinion on the set of announcements, so do check those blogs out. Possibly the biggest announcement was about the new Goals feature in Power BI, which is "a data-driven, collaborative, and adaptable way to measure key business metrics and goals built directly on top of Power BI" - pretty awesome. Since the summit we've also been told about the Query Plan Visual for Power Query Online to help you further understand what's happening "under the hood" of your queries. There's also now support for backup and restore of Power BI datasets, a huge feature for disaster recovery and regulatory requirements, for example. Finally, the new sharing experience is now available for reports - you can now share via a link without having to grant direct access.
Elsewhere this week, Carmel Eve has written a great 101 on How to use Power BI deployment pipelines to enable DevOps for analytics, and Nikola Ilic has written an interesting blog about how to Enhance your Power BI report with images on axes.
π οΈ Data Prep
- On the Power BI blog, Colin Popell announces the Query Plan Visual for Power Query Online
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) talks about the Power Query And Power BI Connectivity Announcements At The Microsoft Business Applications Summit and blogs about Power BI, Excel Organisation Data Types And Images
- Patrick Leblanc (@GuyInACube) explains how to Enable query folding for native queries in Power Query / Power BI
- Laura Graham-Brown (@Laura_GB) blogs about Power Query β Dynamic Data Source and Web.Contents()
- On the SQL Shack blog, Aveek Das (@avikoleum) provides An introduction to Power BI Dataflows
- Marcus Wegener (@PowerBIler) describes how to Scale your Power BI reporting with Dataflows
𧩠Data Modeling
- On the SQLBI blog, Alberto Ferrari (@FerrariAlberto) delves into Naming temporary columns in DAX, talks about Consecutive days with no sales - Unplugged #18, and shares a few tutorials: ALL, ALLNOBLANKROW β DAX Guide, ALLSELECTED β DAX Guide and ALLEXCEPT β DAX Guide
- Matt Allington (@ExceleratorBI) describes Calendar Over Run in Power BI
- Patrick Leblanc (@GuyInACube) tells us to Avoid Left Outer Joins with DirectQuery in Power BI
- Chandeep Chhabra (@chandeep2786) describes how to Display Top N items and Others in Power BI
- Ruth Pozuelo Martinez (@CurbalEN) discusses DAX Fridays! #207: IF.EAGER | What are eager evaluations?
- Gil Raviv (@gilra) writes about From cumulative numbers to increments
- On the Power BI community blog, PΓ€r Adeen describes Creating Value Dynamic Formatting using Calculation Groups
- Haroon Ali discusses Acing Your Documentation In Power BI
- On LaDataWeb, Ignacio Barrau (@ignacho_07) describes how to Detectar columnas no usadas [Spanish]
π Report Authoring and Interactivity
- On the Towards Data Science blog, Nikola Ilic (@DataMozart) explains how to Enhance your Power BI report with images on axis
- On the Power BI Community blog, Zoe Douglas describes Creating a clickable card to filter a report
- Belinda Allen (@MsBelindaAllen) covers Matrix (visual) totals and subtotals in Microsoft Power BI
- Reid Havens (@HavensBI) talks about the Inforiver Intelligent Analytics Custom Visual for Power BI and shares a Power BI Mapping Masterclass with Alice Drummond
- On the RADACAD YouTube channel, Leila Etaati (@leila_etaati) talks about the Smart Narrative Visual in Power BI
- Greg Philps talks about Reports & Visualizations Pt. 1 - Power BI Best Practices Vol. 4 and Pt. 2
- Brian Julius describes Dynamically Subsetting Table Visuals In Power BI
- Ruth Pozuelo Martinez (@CurbalEN) describes how to Export Power BI to MS Word / PDF Paginated reports with Power Automate and Power BI
- On the Data Bear blog, Annamarie Van Wyk (@annamarie_wyk) shares some Power BI Time Saving Tips
π Deployment, Security and Operations
- On the Power BI blog, Justyna Lucznik (@JustynaLucznik) introduces Goals in Power BI
- On the Marquee Insights blog, Treb Gatte (@tgatte) provides a Power BI Goals Introduction β Part 1
- Also on the Power BI blog, Kay Unkroth announces support for backup and restore of Power BI datasets
- Also on the Power BI blog, Sujata Narayana announces Announcing the new sharing experience
- On the endjin blog, Carmel Eve (@carmel_eve) explains How to use Power BI deployment pipelines to enable DevOps for analytics
- Shabnam Watson (@ShbWatson) shares the Slides from my "Beginner's Guide to Sharing Content in Power BI"
- Bas Dohmen (@HowToPowerBI) covers Catching refresh errors | Auditing Queries in Power BI
- On the Purple Frog Systems blog, Joe Billingham writes about Dynamic Date Formats in Power BI
- Sam McKay (@_EnterpriseDNA) explains How To Setup Power BI Workspaces To Optimize Your Distribution Of Data Insights
π General
- On the Power BI blog, Arun Ulag (@arunulag) describes Driving a data culture with Power BIβ Empowering individuals, every team, and every organization
- Also on the Power BI blog, Jeroen ter Heerdt (@jeroenterheerdt) provides a Microsoft Business Application Summit Recap
- Marc Lelijveld (@MarcLelijveld) writes about My favorite Power BI announcements from the Business Application Summit
- Gilbert Quevauvilliers (@GilbertQue) writes about the Incredible Power BI Announcements at Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2021
- On the RADACAD blog, Reza Rad (@Rad_Reza) writes about All Power BI Announcements of Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2021 in One Place and writes Power BI Summit 2021 β A great success, Thank YOU
- On the BIFocal podcast, John White and Jason Himmelstein (@bifocalshow) share Episode 190 - Interview with Arun Ulag
- On the Power BI Tips and Tricks blog, Tommy Puglia (@tommypuglia) introduces the Explicit Measures Podcast
- The Knee-Deep in Tech team (@KneeDeepinTech) talk about Podcast episode 149
- Gil Raviv (@gilra) shares the Optimized COVID-19 Report on AppSource
- Parker Stevens (@PowerBIElite) talks about Easy Sentiment Analysis in Power BI