Power BI Weekly

Issue #291 - 14th January 2025

No official Power BI blogs yet, so let's dive into the community articles. To start, Eugene Meidinger has written a thought-provoking piece on How Power BI Dogma Leads to a Lack of Understanding, highlighting that "best practices" are just a set of guiding principles (and how sometimes it's OK (or even necessary) to break said practices), and how being overly dogmatic can negatively influence your and others' learning. Very interesting read. Elsewhere this week, Andy Forrester has described how to Import Microsoft Project Data into Power BI Using Python (avoiding manual importing of Excel files), Ioannis Doganos has provided an end-to-end example about How I automated a monthly PowerPoint presentation using Power BI, and Lasse Malo has told us to Forget The Publish Button In Power BI Desktop Ever Existed, walking through the OneDrive/SharePoint integration for pbix files which allows for automatic syncing of your report into the Power BI Service (a feature we use heavily here at endjin!).

🧩 Data Modeling

📊 Report Authoring and Interactivity

🚀 Deployment, Security and Operations